Domain Name: Expires: 04/02/2025 Please provide your "Dynadot Push User Name" within the note to seller and we will push the domain within 24 hours (usually within a few but no more than 24) To make it easy I have included detailed instructions below *This auction is for domain only, no website, content or hosting is included *a domain name is a digital product and will be delivered to you electronically (no physical product will be delivered) --------------- *PLEASE make sure to send the required information to get the domain in your account as quickly as possible, if you do not currently have a Dynadot account you can sign one up for free and follow these instructions to get your user push name 1.Sign in to your Dynadot account (instructions directly from Dynadot's Website) 2.Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and then "Account Settings" in the drop-down. 3.Under the "Account Info" section, you'll find your "Push Username" 4. Copy the "Push Username" and include it in the note to seller